Friday, May 30, 2008

uhm, is school over yet?

Memorial weekend- Friday night was a dance in Galveston (beach area). Way fun. Saturday was working 12 hours at Babin's. Not that much fun. Monday was gator-hiking with Jonathan. There's a state park that has a ton of gators (we saw about 6 in the wild). We walked about 5 miles in the sun and enjoyed spotting gators. Way fun.

I have so much stress.

The stupid Texas Teacher association- for certification (since I'm out state), has screwed me over royally- totally bad record keeping (I paid, then they said I didn't and then that I paid twice so they refunded me, and then 5 months later say they're not doing anything with my certification because I haven't paid...and what? Talk about confusing). Oh my gosh, it made me so mad. So mad. So stressed.

So now I have less time to worry about and take the TeXes teacher exam- one for 'pedagogy' and one for 'chemistry and physics' ... I thought I was done with tests- that I only give them. Guess not. Grrr. I have to take them in August. And they cost mega bucks, too. Grrr.

I had some kid- well two- YELL at me about stupid final exam exceptions. NOT cool.

And because of STUPID teachers we have to back-track something that was VERY clear on the exemption list. We have to exempt kids that shouldn't be exempt because of this messup. grrr.

Oh, and apparently I could've gotten assaulted today. I was walking from lunch back to my room and saw this kid pacing in circles near the stairs- kids aren't supposed to be in this area at that time. So I asked why he was there, who his teacher was, why he was walking in circles...and he was rude and angry. So I just went to my room and called administration to let them know. Then I called his teacher- who knew exactly who it was and told me to call admin because he could physically assault someone. Creepy. She was a 'special needs' I don't know if that explains his behavior. The hobbit (that's the admin's nickname) came and talked to the kid...I overheard him saying I 'the teacher' was unprofessional and the hobbit said "well, she was probably scared! this is unusual!!!!!" haha? yeah.

And I have to change classrooms this summer- not fun. Summer school is using my room so I can't move yet. grr. And we can't find the cabinet key- which is necessary when I have a sub to lock all my drawers. grr.

What else is annoying? Oh yeah, my bike basket completely fell off while I was riding yesterday. Talk about annoying. And it was really awkward getting it back home with me... don't ask. So I returned it today and instead got a back-rack... only to get home and find out it's the part that hooks to the bike is a little too big- so it could circle around me on my bike. Dang it. So that's three times going to the same store in one week? Grrr.

At least I got cute workout clothes and regular clothes at Old Navy.

At least I read a good book this week- Marley and Me.

The comcast guy better come tomorrow. Or I might throw something.

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