Thursday, January 24, 2008

the first days with new classes

I am still doing fantastic. Yesterday was the first day of the new semester! I teach 3 chemistry classes, 1 Chem Com (chemistry in the community), 1 team-teach Chem Com class (that was a brand new change today...), and 1 team teach TAKS class (the seniors who failed the science state test...). Yeah. so a few of my classes I'm still 'not sure about' yet...they just got transfered to me when they've had someone else all semester so they have to get used to me, too. But one of my chem classes is quite funny. But energy from them at least makes it exciting! I think DC was so great because the kids had so much energy and I could trigger that into the lesson and it made it more fun for everyone. In talking to my fellow teachers, the kids here are pretty dang apathetic. And I see that being true already. Yikes. For example, I did demos in DC and they thought they were cool and wanted to help and the kids here I tried the same demos and no one wanted to help nor did they think it was cool at all. You have to make something blow up for it to be cool. Whatever.

Getting certified here is kind of a pain. And expensive. Like hundreds of dollars. (And mind you, I don't even get my first paycheck until Feb 5! I've been tight this month, that's for sure. All my graduation money is just for living off of this month!) I am not leaving this state anytime soon! So I decided...or am deciding...that I'm going to certify in Chemistry AND physics. It's one test. And I have to take one anyways, might as well make myself more marketable. And they need physics teachers badly in our school. Maybe AP physics and that horrible difficult Honors Physics at UW will pay off... ;)

Here's a funny story for ya. I go to get my Texas drivers license and wait the usual hour or so and get up to the desk finally and I look into the vision test thing. And I fail the vision test! Go me. I was devastated! And I felt really dumb. I couldn't get my license. I have to go BACK after I get glasses! I guess I'm now near sighted. and have astigmatism. So I went to the eye doctor and had to get new glasses. They come in next Monday. Sunglasses, too. The other bummer is that because I'm mid-year I don't get vision insurance until next January. That's just how the cookie crumbles.

So what else? Oh yeah I'm going to go to the singles ward, which is like 45 minutes away, this Sunday to see if I like it. I just didn't feel right on Sunday being in our family ward. Unfortunately Leslie, my roommate, has no choice now because she has to play the piano for the ward choir and everything, so she can't switch over with me. We're going to a 'speed dating' activity tomorrow. haha. Oh and our Institute is awesome. I really like our teacher and we're reading all the General Conference talks. :) We went to the temple on Saturday- it was so peaceful! We were there a long time- a session and baptisms! I found my family history names and am starting to get reorganized on that, too!

Can you believe that this little insomniac is getting up at 6:20 every day and is still alive! I did take a nap today, but I've been going to the gym 3-4 times a week and going to bed as early as possible. Usually about 10. I have some extra time in the evening so I'm thinking about the following- Nanny-ing (, maybe waitressing (except that'd put me in bed later than I'd want), mary kay (I still have a huge inventory!), and teaching bassoon (I just need to majorly brush up. and by reeds but I'm going to contact the band instructor). So a little extra cash means paying off those student loans sooner. And I'm all about the sooner. ;)

Well, it's now my bed time but I wanted to let you know how my first days with real classes was!

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