Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 things about me.

1. I used to be quite the actress and singer when I was in elementary school- multiple plays, commercials, and even an instructional video about kids with ADD (I was an actress, thank you!).
2. I love diet coke and cookie dough bites (and cookie dough).
3. I have loved frogs since I was little.
4. I am super clumsy and bruise like a banana.
5. I played the bassoon, piano, tenor sax, sousaphone, clarinet, and trombone (from best to worst).
6. My hair doesn't do anything but be perfectly straight. At least I can't get it to! I also haven't had long hair since freshman year of college. I have had two perms (oh my).
7. I refuse to believe my students have crushes on me. Or add them on facebook.
8. I am skinnier now than I was in high school.
9. I was valedictorian and I still don't think it's a big deal.
10. I wear my heart on my sleeve. It gets me into trouble. Even if I don't mean to!
11. I think women's deodorant should be as good as men's. It's not.
12. Most of my accessories in my place (from my bed to napkin holder) have the black cast iron swirl shape on them.
13. I wonder what my life would be like if I stuck with Chemical Engineering.
14. Two of my best friends are gay. I also had a crush on them at one point before I knew.
15. I always daydream that a guy will bring me flowers.
16. I have a credit card with lipsticks on it.
17. I don't think much about politics although I should.
18. I liked the University of Washington way more than BYU.
19. I used to pretend I was She-Ra, princess of power. I even had a big sword and shield my dad made me.
20. I want to marry a guy as sweet, handy, and smart as my dad. I think that's hard to find.
21. I have two step-sisters that I never claim. I just say I have my little sister, Jessica. I do claim graciously my step-mom, though!
22. I have lived in Spokane, Seattle, Provo, Washington DC (well, Arlington, VA), and now Houston. And Chile for 16 months.
23. I love doing manual labor- from digging trenches for sprinklers to painting. It's so rewarding. I got a good work ethic from my dad.
24. I used to struggle with insomnia for years. I now do not take any sleeping pills! But my cat still has a better internal clock then me (he knows when it's 6am- feeding time!)
25. I save cool recipes, workouts, and ideas from magazines and put them in sheet protectors in binders. I am really organized. Except I rarely make my bed.

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