Friday evening started with one of my Distance Learning (DL) events at Space Center- taught some 3rd and 4th graders about the Solar System. I hardly feel like an expert but I really love doing those events! Then I met up with Lucki, Stephen, and Brent to see Duplicity at the Star Cinema Grill (movie and dinner!). The movie was confusing! And we wished it would've ended differently! Lucki and Stephen hated it. lol. I heart them.
Saturday started with Four Square at the church. Did you ever play that in the MTC? Man, we rocked four square hard core in the MTC. I was downtown all day, and had subsequent clothing changes throughout the day! I was gone from 9 am till almost 1 am the next day! Told you I was busy. Got subs with fri
Oh, now that was just until about 4 or so! I picked up Mac some food (what a needy cat, jk) and also found a gift for Gail. She's so easy to buy for and I found something so pretty! Can't wait for an excuse to give it to her! :) Then I met up with Spencer. He is one cool guy! I did get scolded for not knowing Led Zeppeblin, but hey. ;) We went out to Ruggles and then went to see Amanda's impressive orchestra concert...then went country dancing! Whew. I think the best part of this whole dating this is just getting to know these great guys better and becoming better friends with them! That just makes me happy. I love friends!
I definitely slept in as long as I possibly could this morning. Gosh, I'm tired! I have a busy Monday, too. Grades are due and I still have to grade my AP Tests (which I don't even have half of them yet due to robotics) and it's a new unit starting (which I got the copies for just don't know my exact plan of attack). And tomorrow I have another DL event AND a study session with my AP kids at 7 pm. And that's just Monday! I have something everynight this week plus a test Saturday early morning, and General Conference. But I think I'm happier going 100 miles an hour.
I should also hear back to see if I got the summer job I want. Shall let you know!