Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Some of my kiddos were cheating. And they are ones I like. It just kills me. The boy took a photo of the answer key with his iPhone and sent it to two other girls...who used it. An innocent girl knew about it and told me what was going on after class was over. I went to the Assistant Principal's office and we tried to get it out of the boy- but he wouldn't confess. We talked to all three girls who knew about it and they all pointed fingers at the Boy and one of the girls confessed to cheating, too. Even after that, he still wouldn't confess!!!!! This ordeal took 2 hours. And it's still not resolved. They all deleted the pictures off their phone. ACK!


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Kassi said...

Oh Girl, I know about that one! Cheating is so annoying. You wish you could make them see it is about learning and not the grade because in the end if they would spend the time studying they would learn and not have to cheat. Instead they spend their energy trying to get a easy grade. I don't get it! Doesn't it take just as much time to cheat as it does to study and really learn the material? Good luck, post if the situation is ever resolved.