Thursday, June 19, 2008

so much for that

Mac is doing great. He cuddles with me quite often- he'd be a decent boyfriend...haha. I took him to the vet this week. He is relaly healthy and everyone just thought he was the most handsome cat. I felt like I proud parent. I even called Dad and Gail to let them know that their grand-cat had a good vet appointment. haha. He was such a good sport- with his shots and blood-prick. And he travelled all cute in his Nicole Miller Pet Carrier Purse (green and white). haha. He did pee in it on the way home, but I'll forgive him for that, poor thing was scared! He has cat herpes. Which isn't like normal people herpes- it just is why he'd have weepy eyes and sneezes when he's stressed out. But he's all fun around the house- playing cat-soccer with a little pingpong sized ball. So cute. I love Mac!

Chao from the newly single and newly converted cat-lover,

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