Monday, October 27, 2008

how I conquered today

I was dreading today very much this weekend. First off, I knew I had to meet with my Assistant Principal about an 'issue' and I was stressed all weekend about it. But turns out she totally related to her early years as a teacher and I was not in trouble at all. She also said she's heard good things about my classroom this year- that I'm much more confidant and in control. Good!

I also had to meet with my department head today. That turned out to be very positive and helpful, too. I've now got my game plan for the next 9 weeks. Who hoo!

And I went to my doctor about my bruises. I may just have 'fragile capillaries'....she took a blood test for me. I might have to wear pressure-tights like old people to get circulation up. haha.

I'm grateful for my friends who care and knew about that this day might be really bad for me. I'm also grateful that a handsome boy asked me out. :)

And that, my friends, is how I conquered my day.

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