Sunday, October 26, 2008

want somebody to love.

I do love my new phone, however. It's fun and exciting. It stressing me out getting everyone's numbers again, though.

So other things that stress me out- being too busy. My Nasa job keeps me going until 7pm most nights! And then I go see Lucki and Stephen. Thank heavens for them. I don't know what I'd do without them. I also did something stupid at school that I think I'm going to get in trouble for. I am trying to be the best darn teacher I can be but I make mistakes, okay. Like giving my AP kids a take home test. They did too well. Can't have that. Or being too nice. I am not being nice anymore. They have to suck it up.

Don't even get me started on boys. I have zero love interests. An 'adult' friend of mine said she was talking to her husband about me and they both agreed that it's crazy that no one has snatched me up. I don't know either. Aubrey and I were talking about how we just want someone to love, to hold at night, to come home to, someone to know our weaknesses and still think we're great, to support us. We want to fall in love. We just don't get how it happens. Or when it happens!

1 comment:

Kassi said...

Okay, So you know that i totally love you, I want you to find an amazing guy! I have no clue what it is like to be patient. It happened for me when i stopped thinking about it and when i least expected it. That doesn't mean it will happen for you like that but just a thought!